My Deepest Desire

Before giving birth to my son, my deepest, most precious desire was to become a mama! I put everything else on hold for that privilege, and it has been the greatest gift of my life.

Now that my son is in high school, and becoming more and more independent, I can dare to dream about my other deepest desire: to move people with my writing the way so many authors and poets and song writers have moved me.

As a child, I sought refuge in books and journals. Growing up, I was terribly shy, literally living in the middle as the second of three daughters in my household. I often felt invisible, and I often tried to make myself invisible, which is why I retreated to books and writing.

Into my young adulthood, I continued my love for reading and writing. I believe these passions eventually drew me to my profession as an educator. Working toward my degrees (I earned a Bachelor’s, teaching credential, Master’s, and PhD), I discovered how much I loved technical, academic writing, as well. During my years as an elementary teacher, I focused on writing for my students and toward my multiple degrees, so journal writing took a back seat. I am now a professor in a credential program, so much of my writing is geared toward academics.

But, lately, I have been feeling disconnected and unhappy…maybe untethered and unfulfilled are better words. It’s like my soul is starving, and I think it’s because I need to express myself through words. Not academic, technical words, but elegant, evocative words. I have so many stories crying to be born, which is why I started this blog. I figure, baby steps, right?!? I don’t need to wait until I have the time and emotional capacity to write a full-fledged novel, which is what I do eventually want to accomplish. But, if I put off personal, pleasurable writing until then, my soul will continue to starve.

So, my goal is to write at least two blog posts each week, where I share my thoughts, my feelings, my fears, and my deepest desires!

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